Et muss awer eng echt Prinzessin sinn! Et war eemol e Prënz, deen onbedéngt eng Prinzessin wollt bestueden. Et huet awer eng echt misse sinn. De Prënz ass duerch d’ganz Welt gereest, fir eng ze fannen. Mee ëmmer war eppes verkéiert…
D’Kënschtler*innen vum Traffik Theater erziele mat Zeechnungen, Objeten a Live-Musek eent vun de bekanntste Märercher vum Hans Christian Andersen, a froen sech awer och, ob wierklech nëmmen eng richteg echt Prinzessin et fäerdeg bréngt, duerch all déi Plommepillemen a Matrassen eng kleng Ierbes ze spieren.
Wat wier, wann d’Kinnigin den Ierbessentest misst maachen? Oder Jenny a Menni? A firwat muss engem Prënz seng Fra sou delikat sinn? Wat wier, wann se just zëmperlech a kriddeleg wier? Wat géif geschéien, wann se nom Ierbessentest keng Loscht hätt, de Prënz ze bestueden?
Et kann een sech vill Froe stellen, wann een hautzedaags dem Andersen säi Märche liest, an dat maachen den Dan Tanson, de Michel Boulanger an d’Eleonora Savini mat vill Humor.
With: Michel Boulanger (cello, piano), Eleonora Savini (violin, piano, voice), Dan Tanson (storytelling & drawings)
Michel Boulanger, Eleonora Savini, Dan Tanson (devising)
Michel Boulanger (musicdramaturgy & composition)
Eleonora Savini (composition assistance & soundtrack production)
Dan Tanson (objectdesign, illustrations & animations)
Adèle Bourret (movement coaching)
Anne-Marie Herckes (costume design & textil)
Dirk Fuchs, Laurent Kohn (carpenting & constructions)
Carine Ceglarski (tecnical assistence & objectconstruction)
Bert Marijsse (lights & technics)
Linda Bonvini (outside eye)
Sandy Artuso (consulting)
Lena Batal, Linda Bonvini, Anja Hoscheit (pedagogical team)
With the support from:Emma van Overschelde – La Roseraie Espace Cré-Action, Chantier Mobile asbl, E411 vzw
Merci: Francis Schmit, Elena Gallafrio (Associazione Musica insieme, Grugliasco), Christian Hanten & the fantastic team of Escher Theater.
Production: Escher Theater
Co-Production: Prabbeli Wiltz
Tour production: TRAFFIK THEATER Luxembourg, AllerRetour asbl, Chantier Mobile
/: Patrick Galbats
PREMIERE: 18.06.2023, 11:00 Theater ARISTON, Esch/Alzette
13.- 15. octobre 2024 KULTURHAUS NIEDERANVEN, LUXEMBOURG 13/10/2024,15:00 14/10/2024, 9:00 | 10:30 (SCHOOLS) 16/10/2024, 9:00 | 10:30 (SCHOOLS) 15/10/2024, 9:00 | 10:30 (SCHOOLS) INFOs: here 17.- 23. march 2024 ARISTON, ESCHER THEATER, LUXEMBOURG 17/03/2025, 10:00 | 14:30 (SCHOOLS) 18/03/2025, 09:00 | 10:30 (SCHOOLS) 19/03/2025, 10:00 | 14:30 (SCHOOLS) 20/03/2025, 10:00 (SCHOOLS) | 15:00 (FAMILIES) 21/03/2025, H 10:00 | 14:30 (SCHOOLS) 23/03/2025, H 11:00 | 15:00 (FAMILIES) INFOs:here Experience the timeless magic of H.C. Andersen's famous tale brought to life through captivating storytelling, object theatre and live music. As the story unfolds, live musicians will weave their melodies, enriching the narrative with a delicate interplay of sound and emotion. The fusion of words, object theatre and music will transport you into Andersen's enchanting world, where imagination thrives, and each note brings the tale closer to the heart. A unique journey that bridges tradition and innovation, offering a fresh take on a beloved classic. Dan Tanson concept, performance, object manipulation, drawings Michel Boulanger concept, composition, cello, piano Eleonora Savini concept, composition, violin, piano Anne-Marie Herckes costumes Linda Bovini outside eye Sandy Artuso consultancy Carine Ceglarski assistency Dirk Fuchs scenography construction Productioun Escher Theater Co-Productioun: Prabbeli Wiltz Production Tour: AllerRetourLuxembourg a.s.b.l. Pictures & Info Theatre Info © Patrick Galbats